Monday, January 23, 2012

Snoring Mouth Guard, How it Works?

For you who have snoring problem while you sleep, there a lot of snoring solutions that you can choose. One of them is by using snoring mouth guard. Snoring mouth guards is a device that used in the mouth to help people stop snoring. It is a small plastic splint that fits over your top and bottom teeth. This guard enables the lower jaw to be positioned slightly forward to reduce snoring.

It is look like sport mouth guards that usually used in boxing, hockey, taekwondo, etc. But, the sport mouth guards only have a single piece which fits the top teeth only. But, the snoring mouth guards have two pieces which fit the upper and the lower teeth. It has significant gap for breathing and some holding structures.

How Snoring Mouth Guard Works?
The snoring mouth guards work by holding the lower jaw and forcing it slightly forward. It makes the tissue behind the jaw won’t collapse and cannot obstruct or block the airflow. Blocked airflow is one of several causes of snoring.

There is also another way how the snoring mouth guard works. It also prevents the tongue from flip back into the throat since the tongue is connected to lower jaw. As mentioned before, this guard is moving the lower jaw forward. So, when the tongue doesn’t flip back it won’t block the air flow.

In other word, a snoring mouth guard function is to ensure anything is in natural resting position to prevent people snoring.

Is it really helps?
There are lots of studies and news that said that the snoring mouth guard is really effective to treat snoring. They are:
According study in United Kingdom, there are 25 subjects who are suffering heavy snoring said that they can reduce snoring for 48% after they are using this device. 76% said that they were snoring less nights of the week.

Another research also discovered that this guard was very helpful in sleep apnea therapy. However, the snoring mouth guards also have the side effects, such as a bit of teeth discomfort, hypersalivation and mucosal dryness.

The snoring mouth guard is also featured in a news at The news said that a snoring mouthpiece is really effective as snoring solution.

However, when you deciding to use snoring mouth guard, first you should contact you physician. If you physician gives a signal to use it, then contact a dentists to make one of this dental device.